The documentary Gender Under Attack is a production of the Latin American Consortium Against Unsafe Abortion (CLACAI), written and directed by Jerónimo Centurión and made by Centurión Producciones in 2018.
We want to thank all those who contributed with their testimonies to the making of this video:
COSTA RICA: Mario Arias, Roberth Castillo, Larissa Arroyo, Laura Fuentes Belgrace, Leonardo Garnier Rimolo, Katia Isabel Castro Flores, Karla Pérez, Chicos Trans, Jess Márquez Gaspar, Andrés Gómez Moreno, Ka Vega, Troy Alejandro Rojas Agüero, Esteban Cubero, Sofía Gonzáles, Gerardo Ruiz y Jennifer Sánchez.
PERU: Rossina Guerrero, Marilú Martins, Kety Valer Carbajal, Juan Fonseca, Alberto de Belaunde, José Luis Pérez Guadalupe, María Rosali Villavicencio, Yatmille Ángeles Chacchi Villavicencio, Carla Díaz, Jonathan Castro, Rodolfo Cotrina, Patricia Andrade, Graciela Tiburcio y Gaby Pacheco.
BRAZIL: Matheus Sáenz, Jose Carlos Peixoto, Maria Das Dores Campos Machado, Washington Castilhos, Bia Galli, Magaly de Souza, Isabella Oliveira, Paula Gimaraes, Sonia Correa, Indianara Siqueira, Horacio Sívori, Rose Ángela, Bruno Oliveira, María Beraldo.
COLOMBIA: Luz Marina Bernal, Diego Alarcón, Juan Camilo Maldonado, Natalia Acevedo, Fidel Mauricio Ramírez, Marcela Sánchez, Martha Arroyo, María Mercedes Acosta, Mauricio Albarracín, María Ángela Urbina, Irma Solís, Gilmer Melgarejo, Gladys Torres.
EE.UU.: Dr. Kent Hill.
This audiovisual material has been made possible thanks to the collaboration of many activists, social activists and civil society institutions:
PERU: Nicolás Miranda, Giancarlo Gomero, Alejandra Cárdenas, Nelly Choquehuanca, Ojo Público, Wayka.
COLOMBIA: María Alejandra Rojas, Irina Marum, Diego Alarcón, ¡Pacifista!, Vice Colombia.
BRAZIL: Sonia Correa, Sandra Conde, Tjerk van Rooij, Matteus Luciano.
COSTA RICA: Larissa Arroyo, ONG Acceder.
MEXICO: Aureliano Lecca.
ARGENTINA: Paula Goldstein.